Just because we took the routine group photo, don't, not even for a second, think that your experience with us will be routine. Every day we are dedicated to out-smarting, out-strategizing and out-thinking the industry to create value for our clients. Take the time to sit with us and let us share our wisdom with you so that you buy and sell smart.

Linda O'Koniewski
Email: LindaO@LeadingEdgeAgents.com
Mobile: 781.820.2560
Linda started in the business, well, more than a few years ago, and quickly concluded that real estate was riddled with self-serving agents and brokers who often lined their own pockets at the expense of their clients.
She is an insomniac redhead whose restless nights are filled with ideas on how to make this industry better. Hey, it's better than counting sheep.
From that point forward she started developing systems to ensure her clients could always maximize their transaction. Linda started many of today's practices that have become the norm. For example, when she first got into the business she didn't understand how you could sell a house for the most money for a client if the fact that it was on the market was a state secret? She started to cooperate with all agents to encourage all buyers to see her listings.
She began holding offers on properties to try and create competition to ensure her Seller clients got top dollar and the best terms. The list goes on and on, but has resulted in a real change in the market locally and more than one broker owner of a competitive firm telling her the she has "ruined the business." And she has, for agents and brokers who aren't interested in the best outcomes for their clients.
She is writing a book, The Dirty Secrets of Real Estate and has been named by Inman News as one of the most influential people in real estate in 2015. She is bent on changing the industry and it has started right here and she is spreading her ideas, strategies and tactics throughout her 9 offices in and around Boston. Linda has shared her ideas at conferences throughout the country and in Europe and in Asia. Formerly with RE/MAX and now as CEO of Leading Edge Real Estate, she is charged with the training of agents to ensure that we have the smartest, most well-equipped and thoughtful agents anywhere on the planet.
As her father has been known to say, "Not bad for an English major" as her only discernible skill upon graduation from Georgetown was her ability to type fast.
The Agent Expertise Team is an outgrowth of the Peg and Linda O team. Linda worked with her favorite mother, Peg Botte, who retired in 2009, for over 17 years. Peg lived the life of the consummate real estate professional with grace, smarts and deep caring for her clients. So many of the ideas Linda is credited with in her presentations were first developed by Peg who was a pioneer in so many facets of the business.

Alison Socha
Email: AlisonSocha@LeadingEdgeAgents.com
Mobile: 781.983.9326
Meet Alison. She totally doesn't approve of bragging or making oneself look important so we'll have to do it for her. She reluctantly accepts all her cool real estate awards.
Alison is the head honcho, the Grand Poobah of the team. Why? She is "wicked smart" and just a "little" competitive (Yup, HS Class Valedictorian and the Cardinal Medeiros Scholar at BU) and if that isn't enough she is so thoughtful and considerate that it's hard to keep up with her. She's a hard worker. First one in the office in the morning and usually the last to leave the office. Her clients get exceptional care. She wouldn't have it any other way.
Fun fact about Alison. Do you know she babysat Linda O's kids and has worked for or with Linda in one capacity or another since she was 12 years old? She has been licensed since 2003 and has helped Linda develop all of her systems for Buyers and Sellers to help clients build value in their transaction.
This team has been so successful because we have fundamentally changed the way real estate is done. And Alison has embraced all of our new ideas, methods and strategies to ensure our Seller clients get the best terms and price and that Buyer clients are educated to build value when they purchase. Alison empowers her clients and guides them to good, creative choices.
Like any agent of this caliber, she works all the time. We try and encourage her to take time off, but it usually results in her coming into the office in non-business clothes pretending she's not working.
If she looks familiar maybe you've seen her at St. Mary's where she has served on one committee or another for most of her life, including reading, leading small groups and serving as Vice-Chair of the Parish Council or at one of her many political activities? She can be found at most civic events.
Count on Alison for superb advice and wisdom. If you are looking for an agent who is going to tell you what you want to hear, well, then you need to look elsewhere. We want to tell you the kind truth. The things you need to hear to make the best decisions. We may not be for everybody, but we know that clients who take our advice are damn happy with the results. We want you to work in your enlightened self-interest. If you truly want to maximize your buy or sell be open-minded and let Alison guide and help you. She won't let you make big mistakes and when problems come up, and they will, she is one hell of a problem solver.

Kim Izzi
Email: KimIzzi@LeadingEdgeAgents.com
Mobile: 617.763.4034
Can you say vision? Only 8% of people have vision about what things could look like versus what they do look like. Kim is our "Queen of Vision" and she helps her buyer clients find and create value in a worthy property or her sellers maximize their investment in their home. Kim understands the nuances and trends that make all the difference in a successful transaction.
Her gift has translated into amazing returns for her sellers and has helped her buyers build equity in their property.
But vision isn't enough. This woman has amazing self-discipline and focus and is a wee-bit competitive. Just sayin'. She's up at the crack of dawn to exercise and thrives on that energy in her career. Isn't that exactly what today's buyers and sellers need? Don't they want a Realtor who can energetically create competition when you sell and an agent that can help you win a bidding war in today's crazy, hot Boston real estate market? Don't you want someone who is focused and disciplined working on your behalf?
Kim, has lived in Melrose her whole life and boy is she the go-to for all things Melrose. After all, it's important to know where to shop for what, what contractors to use locally and where to get the most amazing take out meals. She is full of resources for her buyers and sellers.
She loves her town and wants to share all of the really special things about it with her clients. She has raised three children in Melrose and has family in surrounding towns.
"I believe life is certainly much better if you love where you live." Kim's approach to real estate is to help you feel the same. Kim loves to celebrate her clients and raises her glass, "Cheers to loving where you live!"

Heidi Russo
Email: HeidiRusso@LeadingEdgeAgents.com
Mobile: 339.293.3128
The one thing you can say about Heidi is, “She can take it.” This business is hard. It is full of surprises and unforeseen issues that easily frazzle a less seasoned agent and can rattle and upset good clients.
Simply put, real estate is full of turbulence and problems, that’s why folks want a guide when they go through one of the most treacherous endeavors of their financial life. Heidi was born to be an agent. And we mean that literally. Heidi grew up as the only daughter and has five brothers and that formed her keen perspective which allows her to not get caught up in the weeds and drama of real estate.
Heidi calls it like she sees it and with her years of experience she can smell a rat, see problems before they occur and will help her clients navigate the tricky waters of real estate like the pro she is.
She’s a straight-shooter and a superb negotiator. She works her ass off for her clients and says, “If I can get it for you I will.”
Reports Heidi, “I have tons of patience and I don't want you to buy something unless you are sure it's right for you. I’ve had to talk people out of houses that were too small for their needs, or not close enough to transportation when they said that was one of the critical things about their purchase when we started. Isn’t the point to find you a house that will meet your needs? Don’t fall for Quartz countertops, you can always install them later, but you can’t change your location. I will spend the time we need to make sure you get the house that is a good fit for you.” And when problems come up, and they will unless you win the real estate lottery, you are in the smart hands of Cool Hand Luke, uh, we mean Heidi Russo.